Past NSW MTBO Events
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Past Events - 2013
10-Mar-13: 2012/13 DuO - Belanglo
13-Apr-13: SS1 - Wingello
14-Apr-13: 2012/13 DuO - Canberra
01-Jun-13: SS2 Penrose
02-Jun-13: SS3 Belanglo
20-Jul-13: 2013 NSW MTBO Middle Championships, Taree
21-Jul-13: 2013 NSW MTBO Long Championships, Taree
24-Aug-13: SS4 - Warnervale
25-Aug-13: SS5 - Wallaroo
14-Sep-13: 2013/14 DuO - Round 1 - Ourimbah MTB Park
06-Oct-13: CANCELLED - SS7 - Sunny Corner State Forest
19-Oct-13: Australian MTBO Sprint Championship
19-Oct-13: ACT MTBO Middle Championships
20-Oct-13: ACT MTBO Long Championships
03-Nov-13: SS6 - Fairley Dams
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Past Events - 2012
15-Jan-12: Newcastle 2011/12 BOSS #4 - Stanford Merthyr
11-Feb-12: OANSW DuO Orienteering
19-Feb-12: Newcastle 2011/12 BOSS #5 - Blue Gum Hills Regional Park
04-Mar-12: Newcastle 2011/12 BOSS #6 - Clarence Town
31-Mar-12: NSW MTBO SS1
01-Apr-12: NSW MTBO SS2
22-Apr-12: OANSW DuO Orienteering
28-Apr-12: Victorian Sprint Dist MTBO Champs / Australian MTBO Series #1
28-Apr-12: Victorian Middle Dist MTBO Champs / Australian MTBO Series #1
29-Apr-12: Victorian Long MTBO Champs / Australian MTBO Series #1
16-Jun-12: NSW MTBO SS1
17-Jun-12: NSW MTBO SS2
30-Jun-12: 2012 ACT MTBO Sprint Championship (NSW MTBO SS3)
01-Jul-12: 2012 ACT MTBO Middle Distance Championship (NSW MTBO SS4)
28-Jul-12: NSW MTBO SS5 - Penrose
29-Jul-12: NSW MTBO SS6 - Belanglo
18-Aug-12: QLD MTBO Champs 2012
15-Sep-12: NSW MTBO SS7 - Uffington
16-Sep-12: NSW MTBO SS8 - Lone Pine
26-Oct-12: Australian Sprint Distance MTBO Championship
27-Oct-12: Australian Long Distance MTBO Championship (WRE)
28-Oct-12: Australian Middle Distance MTBO Championship (WRE)
04-Nov-12: 2012/13 DuO - Hawkemount (Awaba)
02-Dec-12: 2012/13 DuO - Bluegum Hills (Newcastle)
20-Oct-13: ACT MTBO Long Championships
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Past Events - 2011
16-Jan-11: BOSS 4: Killingworth
13-Feb-11: BOSS 5: Stanford Merthyr
06-Mar-11: BOSS 6: "The Farm", Wakefield
26-Mar-11: NSW SS1: Wingello South
27-Mar-11: NSW SS2: Wingello North
24-Apr-11: CANCELLED (Easter Bike Adventure @ Southern Highlands)
29-May-11: DuO at Killingworth
04-Jun-11: NSW SS3: Brush Creek
05-Jun-11: NSW SS4: Wallaroo
17-Jun-11: 2011 World Masters MTBO Championship - Sweden
24-Jul-11: 2011 Metro MTBO - The Dairy, Western Sydney Regional Park
30-Jul-11: 2011 QLD MTBO Champs, National MTBO Series Round 2: Yarraman, Qld
20-Aug-11: 2011 World & Junior World MTBO Championships: Vicenza, Italy
21-Aug-11: CANCELLED - Go North Bike Adventure @ Taree
24-Sep-11: NSW SS5: Glengarry
14-Oct-11: Oceania & Australian MTBO Championships, National MTBO Series #3 – Beechworth VIC
22-Oct-11: 2011 National MTBO Series Round 4, NSW SS7: Black Springs
23-Oct-11: 2011 NSW Champs, National MTBO Series Round 4, NSW SS8: Jenolan East
30-Oct-11: Newcastle 2011/12 BOSS #1 - O'Donnelltown
27-Nov-11: Newcastle 2011/12 BOSS #2 - Lone Pine Road
04-Dec-11: OANSW DuO Orienteering
18-Dec-11: Newcastle 2011/12 BOSS #3 - Killingworth
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Past Events - 2010
17-Jan-10: Newcastle Bike Orienteering Summer Series 3 - Killingworth
21-Feb-10: Newcastle Bike Orienteering Summer Series 4 - The Farm
07-Mar-10: Newcastle Bike Orienteering Summer Series 5 - Stanford Merthyr
20-Mar-10: NSW MTBO SuperSeries 1, National MTBO Series Round 1 -Sunny Corner Event 1
21-Mar-10: NSW MTBO SuperSeries 2, National MTBO Series Round 1 - Jenolan East Event 2
02-May-10: ACT MTBO 2010 #1
05-Jun-10: NSW MTBO SuperSeries 3 - Wingello South
06-Jun-10: NSW MTBO SuperSeries 4 - Belanglo
26-Jun-10: Vic MTBO Sprint Championships - Albury
27-Jun-10: Vic MTBO Middle Distance Championships - Albury
04-Jul-10: ACT MTBO #2 - Kowen Homestead
17-Jul-10: NSW MTBO SuperSeries 5 - Nowra-Currambene SF, Nowra
18-Jul-10: Victorian MTBO Long Distance Championships - Castlemaine, Vic
25-Jul-10: ACT Cyclegaine
01-Aug-10: ACT MTBO #3 - East Kowen
21-Aug-10: NSW MTBO SuperSeries 6 - Wallaroo
22-Aug-10: NSW MTBO SuperSeries 7 - Killingworth
04-Sep-10: Queensland MTBO Championships, Maryborough - Day 1
05-Sep-10: Queensland MTBO Championships, Maryborough - Day 2
18-Sep-10: NSW MTBO SuperSeries 8, NSW Sprint - Wingello Quarries
19-Sep-10: NSW MTBO SuperSeries 9, NSW MTBO Championships - Jumping Rock
16-Oct-10: SA MTBO Championships, Mount Gambier - Day 1
17-Oct-10: NSW MTBO Bike Adventure @ Wingello
17-Oct-10: SA MTBO Championships, Mount Gambier - Day 2
23-Oct-10: Australian MTBO Championships, Central Victoria - Day 1
24-Oct-10: Australian MTBO Championships, Central Victoria - Day 2
31-Oct-10: BOSS 1: Brush Creek
31-Oct-10: ACT MTBO Championships
21-Nov-10: BOSS 2: Hawkmount
19-Dec-10: BOSS 3: Wallaroo
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Past Events - 2009
06-Jun-09: National Championships - Mt Gambier (3 days)
28-Jun-09: SS5 - Wallaroo
08-Aug-09: SS6 - Tour du Vin - The Lot
09-Aug-09: SS7 - Tour du Vin - Killingworth
05-Sep-09: National Series 3 - Beerburrum, Queensland (2 days)
26-Sep-09: Tour de Forest - Wingello Night MTBO
27-Sep-09: SS9 - Tour de Forest - Wingello
31-Oct-09: NSW MTBO Championships (2 days)
22-Nov-09: Newcastle Bike Orienteering Summer Series 1 - Hawkemount
20-Dec-09: Newcastle Bike Orienteering Summer Series 2 - Wallaroo
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